Sunday, May 25, 2008


I read news today. A thief broke into a closed Chinese restaurant and stole $200 from the cash register. 2 days later on , when the owner came to work in the morning, he saw a envelope on the floor which wrote, "return you half, for the tragedy of the China earthquake. I call this conscience.

I really don't know how important money are to some people, most of the people or all people. First, you have to believe in destiny, you steal here and you will lost somewhere. You win the lottery, we might lose your opportunity. How much you will have is a destiny. You could, and you might change your destiny, but not by stealing and luck, it is by you bare hands. Second, you can't bring this with you. I have never seen so far, even though I believe in after-death world, and afterlife, but you still get bring your wealth with you. Do you whether people remember you with how much, and how many you achieved for yourself or for others? Yep, I remember uncle John making 10 millions for his whole life, own 2 Mercedes, 2 hammers and a boat, and he opened a successful jewelery stores and he passed away at the age of 80, Or Uncle John always help people, make people laugh, spend time for the community, and giving you both hands when you need only one. If people remember your whole life is only, for yourself , but no one else and you never ever think about the others. I am pity on you. Third, does money really brings happiness? It is absolutely not; it brings greediness, selfishness and stimulate one's evil mind. The most happiness family and people in the world I believe are average Joe and average Mary. But don't make me wrong, a bigger house, a faster car and a nicer meal; more vacation, less working hours of course are better, but you always has to think about what is your soul food. My soul food is helping people and making people happy, This is my soul food. what is your and what do you want people to think about you or remember you?

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Misato, Tokyo, Japan
I was born in Hong Kong and lived in US for 12 years. And now I am living and working in Japan. I am an IT professional and environment protection activist. Yes, I am trilingual. So be WDOB!