Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dumber Human Part 1

It took less than 200 years of million years human history to create all these modern technologies, which we can no longer live without them. 20 years ago, there were no digital cameras; 30 years ago, there were no Internet and personal computers; 50 years ago, there were no portable mobile phones and no man had ever been to the moon. 100 years ago, there were no televisions, 200 years ago, there were even no telephones, light bulbs, cars, 35mm cameras and airplanes. We simply can not live without these things nowadays. What a shame? Do technologies mean to make our lives easier and simpler, or dumber?

For instance, let’s say a simple spelling check function. It means to help up to speed and clear things out. Day after day, how many of you have realized that we no longer can spell; we tended to type the same misspelled words million times and let the spelling check to correct for us. We no longer even try to think of the correct spelling that we once knew. We simply hit the Spelling Checking, then Change and let God helps us.

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Misato, Tokyo, Japan
I was born in Hong Kong and lived in US for 12 years. And now I am living and working in Japan. I am an IT professional and environment protection activist. Yes, I am trilingual. So be WDOB!