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WHO selected top 10 junk food and healthiest food of 2007
世界衛生組織近日評選出了最健康和最垃圾食品。The World Health Organization recently selected the healthiest and most junk food. 蕃薯、開心果、鵝鴨肉等均入選了健康食品名單。 Yams, pistachios, ducks and geese meat are selected of healthy food.
世界衛生組織經過約3年時間研究得出的最健康與最垃圾食品榜,5大最健康食物中,對健康最好的蔬菜是蕃薯、最好的肉類就是鵝鴨肉,因為化學結構和橄欖油接近,雞肉則是蛋白質最佳來源。After 3 years of study, the WHO lists the most junk and healthiest food, the best vegetables is sweet potatoes, the best meat is duck meat because chemical structure close to olive oil, chicken is the best source of protein. 食油方面,最好的是粟米油和芝麻油。 The best cooking oil is sesame oil.
不少香港人都喜歡煲湯飲,湯水方面,以雞湯,特別是母雞湯最好,可以預防感冒和支氣管炎。TTTttThe best soup is chicken soup in particular is the mother can prevent influenza and bronchitis. 菠菜、韭菜、蕃茄、開心果、大豆同豬肝等,就是護腦的最佳食物。 Spinach, Chinese chives, tomatoes, pistachios, soybeans and pork liver, and so on are the best food for the brain. 另一方面,油炸、醃製同加工食物,還有汽水、雪糕雪條、即食和微波爐食品、罐頭和燒烤食品等,被評為10大垃圾食品。 On the other hand, fried, marinated with processed foods, and soft drinks, ice cream, ready-to-eat foods and microwave ovens, canned food and barbecue, was rated 10 most major junk foods.
最佳蔬菜﹕ The best vegetables:
由於蕃薯既含豐富的維生素,又是抗癌能手,所以被選為所有蔬菜之首。 Since sweet potatoes not only rich in vitamin content, but also anti-cancer specialists, they were selected as all vegetables in the first place. 其次分別是蘆筍、捲心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡蘿蔔、薺菜、芥蘭菜、金針菇、雪菜、大白菜。 Followed by the asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, beet, carrot, shepherd's purse, broccoli, the golden mushrooms, pickled cabbage, Chinese cabbage.
最佳水果﹕ The best fruit:
10份最佳水果的排名依次是,木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、獼猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子與西瓜。 10 in the rankings were the best fruit are papaya, strawberries, oranges, tangerine, kiwi fruit, mango, apricot, persimmon and watermelon.
最佳肉食﹕ Best meat:
鵝鴨肉化學結構接近橄欖油,有益於心臟。 Meat chemical structure of ducks and geese near olive oil, benefit the heart. 雞肉則被稱為「蛋白質的最佳來源」。 Chicken was called "the best source of protein."
最佳食油﹕ Best cooking oil:
玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油等尤佳,植物油與動物油按1比0.5至1的比例調配食用更好。 Corn oil, rice bran oil, such as Jia You sesame oil, vegetable oil and animal oil by 1 to 0.5 to 1 ratio deployment consumption better.
最佳湯食﹕ Fresh best soup:
雞湯最優,特別是母雞湯還有防治感冒、支氣管炎的作用,尤其適於冬春季飲用。 Optimal chicken soup, especially chicken soup also is the mother of a cold, bronchitis, particularly suitable for winter and spring to drink.
最佳護腦食物﹕ Guarding the best brain food:
菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、蔥、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡蘿蔔、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、開心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等殼類食物以及糙米飯、豬肝等。 Spinach, Chinese chives, pumpkins, onions, cauliflower, pepper, peas, tomatoes, carrots, small vegetables, garlic sprouts, celery and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds, soybeans, and other shell brown rice and food, liver and other.
全球十大垃圾食物 The world's top 10 junk food
一、油炸類食品 First, fried foods
1、導致心血管疾病元凶(油炸淀粉) 1, leading to cardiovascular disease culprit (fried starch)
2、含致癌物質 2, containing carcinogenic substances
3、破壞維生素,使蛋白質變性 3, damage vitamins, protein denaturation
二、醃漬類食品 Second, pickled foods
1、導致高血壓,腎負擔過重,導致鼻咽癌 1, lead to hypertension, renal burden is too heavy, resulting in nasopharyngeal cancer
2、影響粘膜系統(對腸胃有害) 2, affecting mucosal system (for gastrointestinal harmful)
3、易得潰瘍和發炎 3, easy to get ulcers and inflammation
三、加工類肉食品(肉乾、肉鬆、香腸等) Third, processing meat products category (Jerky, sausages…etc.)
1、含3大致癌物質之一﹕亞硝酸鹽(防腐和顯色作用) 1, with three major carcinogenic substances one: nitrite (anticorrosion and color effects)
2、含大量防腐劑(加重肝臟負擔) 2, with a large number of preservatives (heavier burden on the liver)
四、餅乾類食品(不含低溫烘烤和全麥餅乾) 4, biscuits categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and the whole wheat biscuits)
1、食用香精和色素過多(對肝臟功能造成負擔) 1, excessive consumption of Flavor and pigment (a burden on the liver function)
2、嚴重破壞維生素 2, and seriously undermined the vitamin
3、熱量過多、營養成分低 3, excessive heat, low nutrient composition
五、汽水可樂類食品 5, soft drinks cola products
1、含磷酸、碳酸,會帶走體內大量的鈣 1, containing phosphate, carbonate, will take away the body of calcium
2、含糖量過高,喝後有飽脹感,影響正餐 2, the sugar content is too excessive, drinking make full and affecting main meal
六、方便類食品(主要指速食麵和膨化食品) 6, convenience foods (mainly referring to instant noodles and Expanded Food)
1、鹽分過高,含防腐劑、香精(損肝) 1, excessive salt containing preservatives, fragrance (liver damage)
2、只有熱量,沒有營養 2, only calories, not nutrition
七、罐頭類食品(包括魚肉類和水果類) 7, canned foods (including fruits and fish category)
1、破壞維生素,使蛋白質變性 1, destruction vitamins, protein denaturation
2、熱量過多,營養成分低 2, excessive heat, low nutrient composition
八、話梅蜜餞類食品(果脯) 8, dried plum, candied fruit products (Preserves)
1、含三大致癌物質之一﹕亞硝酸鹽(防腐和顯色作用) 1, with one of the three major carcinogenic substances: nitrite (anticorrosion and color effects)
2、鹽分過高,含防腐劑、香精(損肝) 2, excessive salt containing preservatives, fragrance (liver damage)
九、冷凍甜品類食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各種雪糕) 9. Frozen dessert products (ice cream, Popsicle and all kinds of ice cream)
1、含奶油極易引起肥胖 1, containing butter could easily trigger obesity
2、含糖量過高影響正餐 2, the effects of high sugar content of meals
十、燒烤類食品 10, barbecue foods
1、含大量「三苯四丙」 (3大致癌物質之首) 1, with a large number of "Triphenyl" (three carcinogenic substances in the first)
2、1隻烤雞腿=60支煙毒性 2, 1 chicken thigh = 60 smoke toxicity
3、導致蛋白質炭化變性(加重腎臟、肝臟負擔) 3, leading to protein charring degeneration (heavier kidneys, liver burden)
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Thursday, May 1, 2008
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- Tim Ho
- Misato, Tokyo, Japan
- I was born in Hong Kong and lived in US for 12 years. And now I am living and working in Japan. I am an IT professional and environment protection activist. Yes, I am trilingual. So be WDOB!
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