Saturday, November 23, 2013

Please go vegan clothing


【請選購由尼龍,棉,丙烯酸,聚酯,竹,玉米纖維,膠瓶,有機帆布,麻,短纖維,木漿,柞絲綢,人​​造絲/纖維,細絲,馬利筋纖維,籽皮纖維,人造棉和仿衣料等所製成之衣服】Go vegan, buy clothes make from nylon, cotton, acrylic, polyester, bamboo, corn fiber, soda bottles, organic canvas, hemp, Tencel(lyocell), wood pulp, tussah, rayon(cellulose fiber), filaments, milkweed, seed-pod fibers, Cupra and faux & synthetic materials.

【請停止購買皮革】STOP buying LEATHER and SUEDE; instead buy alternative products that imitate leather such as pleather, synthetic leather, man-made leather, waxed-cotton, and imitation-leather.

【請停止購買絲綢、絹】STOP buying SILK, includes dupioni and shantung; instead buy materials and fabric that feel like and resemble silk such as polyester, nylon, rayon(cellulose fiber), tussah, filaments, milkweed, seed-pod fibers, tencel(wood pulp) and ligeo(corn).

【請停止購買羊毛】STOP buying LAINE/ WOOL products, such as angora, cashmere, pashmina, mohair, camel hair, and shearling; instead buy alternative wool materials such as polyester fleece, cotton flannel, acrylic, orlon, synthetic wool, synthetic fleece, and any other wool fabric preceded by "synthetic."

【請停止購買羽絨、羽毛】STOP buying DOWN and FEATHERS; instead buy substitutes for down, such as polyester fill, synthetic down, down-alternative, and hypo-allergenic synthetic down.

【請停止購買毛皮、皮草】STOP buying FUR and PELTS; instead buy faux fur, polyester, acrylic, or mod-acrylic.

Friday, October 11, 2013






Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My other prospective of "Life is good"

Life is good when you giving up your seat to a senior on a train; not taking up a seat when you are dead tired. Life is good when you having enough to eat; not having enough to waste. Life is good when you chit-chating with me over dinner; not playing with your smartphone. Life is good when you spending weekend with kids; not watching your favorite sport. Life is good when you putting away your hatred, not planning for a revenge. Life is good when you picking up the most unpleasant appearance banana over the counter; not ransacking for the freshest one. Life is good when you can plant you own food; speak up your own mind; volunteer for the needer; give up driving for a day of two to public transit.

When you feel your life isn't good enough, please try to look outside the box!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Responsibility costs

4 hours, Saturday, 1500 yen to return the sharing area key back to the office. Responsibility do costs. However being dependable is priceless.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

In my life

In my life, 
I have fallen, I haven't achieved,
I have failed, I have won ,
I have depressed, I have succeed, 
I have lost, l have lived,
I have earned, I have wasted,
I have shared, I have gained,
I have never regretted, because most of time, there are no way back.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

First Three Beans Salad Ever

To participant for tomorrow barbecue at Showa Kinen Koen with my new coworker. I have made my life-time first three beans salad.


1 15-oz can cannellini beans (白いんげん豆)
1 15-oz can kidney beans (赤インゲン豆)
1 12-oz can garbanzo beans or chickpea (ひよこ豆)
1 12-oz can marrowfat beans (マローファットピース) 
1 12-oz can or fresh green beans (青えんどう), chopped in about 5cm
2 celery stalks, chopped fine
1/2 red onion, chopped fine
1 cup fresh, finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
5 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoons sugar
2 1/2  teaspoons olive oil
1 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

In a salad bowl, rinsed, drained and mix all beans with celery, onion and parsley. Add sugar, vinegar, olive oil and pepper into bean mixture as dressing and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate until serving.
Yield: Serves 5 to 10.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

每日一字 〈𧢝"厲見"〉

每日一字 13.2.12
口: 新正頭,祝大家人有你有,唔做都有。
書: 新的一年,恭祝各位長做長有,早日退休。

每日一字 13.2.15
口: 以前爺爺係咁意𧢝"厲見"爸爸一眼咋,爸爸就好驚㗎嗱。
書: 往時只要爺爺怒目而視,爸爸便會很害怕。

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

每日一字 〈崛跣揜"扌戟"俶轆樖梳〉

每日一字 13.1.19
口: 一陣默書成數有幾多?
書: 一會兒默書成功的可能性有多少?

每日一字 13.1.20
口: 尐雪剛剛落個陣時呢都仲係軟綿綿嘅,但係如果尐天氣一路都係噉樣凍落去的話,過咗二,三日之後就會變成硬崛崛嘅冰塊,仲好易跣倒添。
書: 雪剛落下的時候,還是軟荏荏的,但是若果天氣持續寒冷,二,三天後便會變成硬摑摑的冰塊,還會非常容易滑倒。

每日一字 13.1.24
口: 凡事都要憑良心講,唔可以揜住良心講嘢。
書: 凡事都要憑著良心説,不可以瞞著良心説話。

每日一字 13.1.25
口: 尐玩具立亂放,一陣撠"扌戟"親點算!
書: 玩具亂槽槽的,一個不小心拌到怎麼辦!

每日一字 13.1.26
口: 爸爸老咗之後,無宜家行得咁快,你唔好俶一聲噉行咗去唔理爸爸就得嘞!
書: 爸爸老了之後,行動沒有現在那麼快,你不要一下就不見跡影就好了!

每日一字 13.1.28
口: 話就係咁話,外國嘅月亮係大尐,但估唔到擒晩個月亮係圓轆轆。
書: 話是這樣説,外國的月亮是相對比較大,昨晩的月亮更是圓溜溜。

每日一字 13.1.31
口: 叫你買樖菜,你就買梳蕉。
書: 吩咐你買一棵菜,你卻買一串香蕉。

Tim ホオ

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creamy celery vegan soup

First blended creamy celery potato onion soup. 100% vegan.

To respect because

To respect the old because one day you will get old.

To care the illness because one day you will get ill. 

To forgive the mistake because one day you will make mistake.

To give the young one a chance because once upon a time you were young.

To help someone in need because one day you will need help.

To love the children because once you were a child.

To accompany with the alone because one day you will be alone.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vegan menu today

bin nameko golden needle mushroom 瓶裝金針菇

tofu tomato shimeji mushroom soup 靈芝菇番茄豆腐湯

I actually should use the straw mushroom for this soup, however it is very difficulty to find it in Japan!  

Saturday, January 19, 2013


除了我們今天所認識的生活形態之外,就沒有其它的生活形態嗎? 有人終生研究南美的亞馬遜森林之生態,與森林為伴。有人長年居於宇宙的邊緣,去追求外太空的奧秘。有人喜歡擧山涉水,最終葬生於山峰海洋。有人放棄高身厚職,到落後山區行醫施藥。有人深入窮鄉辟壤,修橋任教,培育未來。有周遊列國。有隱居田園。有醉生書畫。有沉迷花草。亦有以洋舤為樂。亦有一生專注㙯術。有更甚放棄六根,誠心向佛。生存不是為了工作,也不是為了買樓,更不是為了發達,而是為了滿足心靈上的理想及目標。若人的一生就等同工作,可悲! 可悲! 多環保,多素食,多種植,多關懷,多分享,這才是真正的快樂,真正的人生。

Friday, January 18, 2013

每日一字 〈慳撈嘈嘥腮"口下"瞓竇撓痕〉

每日一字 13.1.9
口: 今時今日能用電腦上網做功課,真係慳水慳力。
書: 這個年代能夠利用互聯網來做功課,真是節省時間。

每日一字 13.1.10
口: 你哋兩個係咪撈亂骨頭,由朝嘈到晚。
書: 你們兩兄妹不要再鬥氣了,可以嗎!?

每日一字 13.1.12
口: 你唔好口水多過茶了,快啲做功課,嘥哂父母的心機。
書: 你不要説那麼多廢話,快點兒做功課,不要浪費父母的心血。

每日一字 13.1.13
口: 你唔好鼓埋泡腮,笑"口下"啦!
書: 你不要愁眉苦臉, 笑一下吧!

每日一字 13.1.14
口: 等咗咁耐,今日啲雪終於好似落狗屎噉落。
書: 等了那麼久,今天終於下起大雪了。

每日一字 13.1.16
口: 以前細個我哋好考順,冬天嗰陣時都係瞓暖咗個被竇先至俾老竇瞓。
書: 小時候我們好考順,冬天的時候會先把被窩睡暖才讓給父親睡。

每日一字 13.1.18
口: 妹妹腳上痕痕地,撓痕撓到起咗一條痕。
書: 妹妹腳上皮膚癢,搔癢搔到起了一條痕。

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vegan recipes korokke and spinach dishes

my first home-made pan-fried veggie potato cake (potato, spinach, sweet corn) - 煎薯餅

and sautéed spinach with pickled chinese mustard - 梅菜炒波菜

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Homosexuality Morals

Homosexual, carnivorism, fideism and all forms of discrimination have been causing conflicts among peoples and nations for decades over decades. As a mankind, we can't disagree that we all have at least certain sins and flaws. We are not prefect. There are no standing points for us to point our fingers to someones' believes and life styles. However, when that -ism crossed the line of the others and against our majority morals and ethicals standard, I don't agree. There are only one group of people that we can force them our believes- our own children. If I am a Buddhism, I would of cause bring them to temples once awhile to workship. As if I am a Christian, I would bring them to churches. If I am a meat-eater, I will prepare the most delicious and healthiest meals for them. As if I am vegan, they wouldn't have chance even taste the meat not until grow up and explorer the world with their own hands. The morals and ethicals of homosexuality are different than a believe or a living style. I know homosexuality can be inborn or acquired. However, we all came from a parents- a single male and a single female; we can't change that. I have friends are lesbian and gay, I don't discriminate them doesn't mean I encourage homosexuality. Especially when it comes to raising a child. Who is the child's father? Who is the child's mother? What is the definition of intercourse? How they go through their opposite sex child puberty?  How to define marriage? How to define family role in terms of our modern society? How to define pervert? I asked the last question because as a man, I simply can't step in any women restroom and peek; but, a homosexual man that has sexual interest for man can legally step in a men restroom and peek. That just isn't right? If I suggest that all homosexual individual should voluntarily go into the toilet room when he or she going to the public restroom, people must consider I am discrimination. As long homosexual couples live their own live and happy after. I don't against homosexuality.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Go vegan recipes

chinese bak choy miso soup - 大白菜面豉湯
seasoning with mirin~

sautéed garlic sprouts - 蒜炒蒜苖
seasoning with salt~

Journal to go vegan

Recently, watched some cbs and youtube videos, read some yahoo and times news, subscripted some new facebook groups, followed some new twitter accounts, browsed some website. Thanks for thinktank and all other advocators, I finally realized we as human are extremely cruel and dangerous, to born as one specie and ashamed as that specie is very mixed up feeling however, to stop all the hunger and all the animals cruelty, I am taking my first step, with one step a time  toward my vegan journal.

Starting with this famous southern Chinese tomato potato soup with mushroom. cut all ingredients in about 2cmx2cm, then boil it for about 2 hours or put it inside a vacuum pot after boiled, seasoning with salt only, it is yummy for sure.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

We so-called human?!

From animals point of view, we are also its animals. Any one the links below may change your way to treat animals from today.

From Farm To Fridge



Goose Down Practices Called Animal Cruelty - CBS5

Sea Lion Got killed Cruelty

PETA's Shopping Guide to Compassionate Clothing

Go Vegetarian


Green Planet

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I recall ishamel

It is heartbroken to hear and unspeakable to watch. I hope after watching these videos can effect least one of you future shopping choices. 

Either don't use any things made from the animals or pick for cruelty free. Please.

Friday, January 11, 2013



Thursday, January 10, 2013

每日一字 〈尐扠鬧懵"口藝"篩〉

每日一字 13.1.1
口: 又大一歲了,以後要生性嘞。
書: 又長大一歲了,往後的日子要更加懂事及考順父母。

每日一字 13.1.2
口: 你仲唔快尐,夠晒鐘嘞,免得一陣又遲到畀老師罰啊。
書: 快要遲到! 你要加快動作,免得又因遲到而被老師責罰。

每日一字 13.1.3
口: 劃到烏里馬扠咁,你話似乜?
書: 劃成亂七八糟,完全不像樣。

每日一字 13.1.4
口: 我咁大個女都未試過噉樣畀人鬧法,簡直無地自容!
書: 我從出生到現在都從未試過這樣被人責罵 , 真是非常丟臉!

每日一字 13.1.5
口: 你真係懵到上心口囉,小數怕長計,你噉俾法,蝕死你呀!
書: 你真的是糊塗極了,集腋成裘,你這樣給法,蝕窮你呀!

每日一字 13.1.6
口: 喂! 好耐無見囉,你幾好嗎? 
書: 喂! 很久沒見 , 你還好嗎 ? 

每日一字 13.1.8
口: 同媽媽又囈"口藝"又篩,終於得米啦!
書: 乞求媽媽這麼久,終於達到目的啦!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


















Misato, Tokyo, Japan
I was born in Hong Kong and lived in US for 12 years. And now I am living and working in Japan. I am an IT professional and environment protection activist. Yes, I am trilingual. So be WDOB!